Wednesday, May 26, 2010


"A CUTE n STRANGE LOVE STORY" There was a little boy whose 1st love was a young girl in a picture which he found and picked from the street... As time went by he got married, But still kept it. One day,his wife found it and asked, "Where did u get this?" The man said, "I kept that since I was a child, But why r U asking?" The girl replied, "I lost this picture when I was 7...":)
One Nite A Girl And Boy Were Going In The Car There Was Complete Silence Both Of Them Stayed Quiet For Long The Girl Then Gave Him A Chit.Boy B4 Reading It Told The Girl (Wid Embarassing Expressions) Dat He Wants 2 Leave Her As He Is Losing His Interest In Her Then Suddenly An Over Speeded Car Collided With Their Car Girl Died N The Boy Survived When The Boy Opened The Chit He Droppd A Tear Coz It Was Written IF U WILL LEAVE ME I Wll DIE';-(

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